My Life, My Pictures

Friday, June 4, 2010

PR terms glossary

PR terms glossary
Here's a list of some commonly used terms in the public relations industry.

Abstract: a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writing's contents in abbreviated form.
Advertorial: an advertisement written in the form of an objective opinion editorial, and presented in a printed publication—usually designed to look like a legitimate and independent news story.
Agency pitch: a full presentation of a recommended public relations program, researched and costed, which usually takes at least four weeks to prepare and few hours to present. Some consultancies reserve the right to charge a fee if not subsequently appointed.

B2B: stands for “Business to Business.” A business that markets its services or products to other businesses.
B2C: stands for “Business to Consumer.” A business that markets its services or products to consumers.
Blog: a shared online journal in which people post items on a regular basis. Postings are displayed in reverse chronological order.
Boilerplate: a template of text that can be used repeatedly, without modification.
Brand Messaging: creative messaging that presents and maintains a consistent corporate image across all media channels, including search.
Brand Reputation: the position a company brand occupies.
Branding Strategy: the attempt to develop a strong brand reputation on the web to increase brand recognition and create a significant volume of impressions.
Brief: the instructions from a client to a consultancy, or directions communicated within a PR agency.
Briefing Book: a book of information preparing the client for an interview with a journalist or interviews at a tradeshow or conference. Commonly contains bios, articles written by the journalist, schedules, messaging and general information the executive might want to have on hand during an interview.
Broadcast: the dissemination of programs or messages through the media of radio, Internet or television.
Buzz Monitoring Services: services that will email a client regarding their status in an industry. Most buzz or publicity monitoring services will email anytime a company’s name, executives, products, services or other keyword-based information on them are mentioned on the web. Some services charge a fee; others, such as Yahoo! and Google Alerts, are free.
Buzz Opportunities: topics popular in the media and with specific audiences that receive news coverage or pass along recommendations that help increase exposure for a brand. Ways to uncover potential buzz opportunities include reviewing incoming traffic to a web site from organic links and developing new keywords to reach those visitors, or scanning special interest blogs and social media sites to learn what new topics attract rising interest, also to develop new keywords and messages.
Byline: text including information about the author that is placed between the headline and the text of an article.

Calendar Listing: a listing in a publication’s or website’s calendar of events.
Contributed Article: an article that a person writes and submits to a publication interested in the topic. Sometimes referred to as a guest article.
Copy: the text produced by a consultancy for a press release or article. Journalists also refer to their news stories or features as copy.
Corporate Communications: public relations for a corporation, integrated as part of the company's strategic objectives.
Corporate Social/Environmental Responsibility (CSR): taking positive action to show an organization has a responsible attitude to the people and environment it impacts on. Community relations may take the form of social outreach programmes designed to build relations and foster understanding of the role of business in the local community. The role of PR in CSR is to communicate effectively in order to build corporate accountability and transparency.
Crisis Management: having a communications plan in place that can be effectively put into action when something goes wrong for a company or organization. For instance, how a product recall will be handled.
Clipping or Clip: an extract from a newspaper, magazine or website news sources that makes reference to the organization.

Dateline: a short piece of text that describes where and when the story or press release was written, filed and/or distributed.
Directory listing: a listing of a websites or businesses information, organized in a hierarchy or interconnected list of categories.

e-PR: also known as online PR, this involves communications using the Internet/new technology to communicate with stakeholders. This could include tactics from using the company website effectively, to a "word-of-mouth" campaign using email (known as viral marketing).
Editor: a person responsible for the editorial aspects of a publication and determines the final content of a text.
Editorial: written materials composed to communicate key messages to the various audiences via the media.
Editorial Calendar: shows the dates of major editorial features planned for forthcoming issues of a publication.
Embargo: a warning to the media not to publish a news item until the date specified on the release.
Evaluation: the continuous process of measuring the impact of a PR campaign from start to finish.
Exclusive: a news story offered to a single newspaper title, radio, website, or TV station.
Exposure: the extent to which the target audience becomes aware of a person, message, activity, theme or organization through the efforts of PR.

FAQ: stands for frequently asked questions and is a text file that is created to answer common questions that a user or newcomer to a website might have.
Feature Article: a broad or in-depth newspaper, magazine, Internet, radio or TV article that discusses, analyzes or interprets an issue, subject or trend. A feature generally takes longer to research and produce than a news story.
Financial Analyst: someone who studies the financial performance of corporations or a market sector by analyzing available information such as accounts, strategy and management methods.

Hyperlink: a graphic or text on a web page that when clicked on takes the user to a new web page or another part of the same page.

Industry Analyst: someone who performs primary and secondary market research within a particular segment of an industry to determine what conditions are affecting that industry.
Integrated Campaign: a multidisciplinary approach which uses a number of marketing communication techniques in order to deliver a consistent set of messages. The aim is to achieve seamless communication with the audience.
Internal Communications: communicating with employees and shareholders to inform them of change (for instance during a company merger or a new CEO), keep them up to date with company news and developments, or to help achieve corporate objectives.
Inverted Pyramid: a metaphor used to illustrate a method of writing in which parts of a story are presented in descending order of importance.

Keyword: words relating to a specific topic that are entered into a search field in an attempt to retrieve information about that topic.

Lead: the first sentence of a story that briefly states the essential facts. Often includes the 5 was: who, what, where, when, why.
Logo: a graphic or symbol owned by and representing a company or brand.

Managing Editor: the editor in charge of all editorial activities of a publication including gathering, writing, editing, and placement of stories.
Media Advisory: a concise announcement to the media about a particular event or news item. It is typically more urgent in tone and contains detail in an easy to read format.
Media Contact: an individual who represents a part of the mass media, such as an editor of a publication.
Media Relations: dealing with journalists and building good working relationships with the broadcast, print and online media.
Media Pitch: sometimes referred to as a “pitch.” This is a direct communication to a writer, reporter, blogger or editor via email or telephone in an effort to persuade them to cover your news. Pitches are usually brief and offer information that is customized to the news outlet and editor.
Messages: agreed words or statements that an organization wants to convey to third parties, such as the media, customers, partners or shareholders, for example.
Media: channel for the communication of information including newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, mobile phones and the Internet.

News Conference: the live dissemination of news information by an organization to invited media. The format is usually a presentation of information by the organization followed by a question and answer session. Also known as a press conference.

Opinion Editorial or OpEd: an article that expresses the opinion of the writer. Can either be written by the editor of a publication or by an outside writer. If written by an outside writer the article is often in response to an editorial piece and appears on the opposite page.

Press Kit or Media Kit: a branded packet or collection of materials handed out to the media by an organization and typically available on an organization’s website. It typically contains a fact sheet, biographies, background material, photographs, milestones, illustrations, an FAQ and news releases, or a combination of these.
Press Release: an announcement of news written in an editorial style and sent to the news media. Also known as a news release.
Public Affairs: the process of communicating an organization's point of view on issues or causes to political audiences.

SEM: search engine marketing (SEM) describes acts associated with researching, submitting and positioning a Web site within search engines to achieve maximum exposure of your Web site.
SEO: search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website by ranking high in the search results of a search engine.
SMS: (Short Message System): the transmission of short text messages to and from a mobile phone, fax machine and/or IP address
Social Networking: social networking websites function as a virtual online community of internet users. People use these websites to communicate and connect with others who share common interests and activities.
Social Media Release: a new format of writing press releases that incorporates web-based tools for people to share and discuss the information of the release with one another,

Talking Points: briefing notes to help a spokesman prepare for an interview with a journalist. The cues should cover the issues that are likely to arise in the interview and approach that should be taken on these issues.
Teaser: a promotion that is intended to arouse interest in the main campaign which follows.
Trade Press: the media relevant to specific audiences. This includes special interest websites and magazines.
Transcript: written outline of a radio or broadcast about an organization.

Vertical Media: media relating to different market sectors for a product or service. For example, you can promote a barcode printer in the printing media, packaging media and food retailing media.
Viral Campaign: a communications campaign designed to spread messages rapidly – typically via the Internet. The audience is encouraged to pass a message or video or link on to all of their email contacts.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Setting Public Relations Objectives

Setting Public Relations Objectives

A successful public relations strategy depends on well-planned objectives. However, it takes more than just good public relations skills to plan good objectives. Here are some tips for setting effective public relations and marketing objectives.

1.) Be specific.
Perhaps the biggest mistake made by public relations professionals is setting broad, vague goals. Instead of striving to get more coverage in magazines, give yourself six months to get five feature-length articles in trade magazines that are targeted toward a specific audience. Set measurable objectives.

You should include factors such as quantitative amounts, dollars, and time limits in as many of your objectives as possible. Avoid qualitative terms such as “quality” or “enhanced” unless you have a specific, quantitative measurement system in place. Be positive.

When articulating your public relations objective, try to improve something positive rather than minimize something negative, i.e., improve client satisfaction as opposed to reduce client complaints.

2.) Be practical.
Don’t set public relations objectives that are unrealistic or unlikely to be met.

3.) Assign tasks.
Break each public relations objective into tasks and assign an individual that will be responsible and accountable for the completion of that task. Create a pyramid of priority and sequence.
Again, break each PR objective down into smaller tasks. The bottom layer should include all of the tasks that must be accomplished first and the tip will be your final PR objective. Each “sub-objective” should be further ranked by priority and designated as essential or nonessential to the achievement of the final PR objective.

4.) Write your public relations objectives down.
Putting the PR objectives in written form will ensure clarity and uniformity.

5.) Make your public relations objectives official.
Whether it be through mandate from the CEO or by a more democratic agreement, make sure the written PR objectives in final form have been recognized by all as the final word.

7 Steps to Planning a Productive and Successful Promotional Campaign

7 Steps to Planning a Productive and Successful Promotional Campaign

When planning a promotional campaign keep in mind that a campaign generally consists of three desired outcomes:

Outcome 1: Your promotional message reaches your intended and targeted audience.
Outcome 2: Your message is understood by your audience.
Outcome 3: Your message stimulates the recipients and they take action.
The question is how do you achieve these outcomes with your campaign? The process is easy, but it takes "planning" time.

Here are seven steps that will get your campaign off to the right start.

• Step 1: Assess Marketing Communication Opportunities.
It's important in this first step to examine and understand the needs of your target market. Who is your message going out to? Current users, influencers among individuals, decision-makers, groups, or the general public?

• Step 2: What Communication Channels Will You Use?
In the first step of planning you should have defined the markets, products, and environments. This information will assist you in deciding which communication channels will be most beneficial. Will you use personal communication channels such as face to face meeting, telephone contact, or perhaps a personal sales presentation? Or will the nonpersonal communication such as newspapers, magazines, or direct mail work better?

• Step 3: Determine Your Objectives
Keep in mind that your objectives in a promotional campaign are slightly different from your marketing campaign. Promotional objectives should be stated in terms of long or short-term behaviors by people who have been exposed to your promotional communication. These objectives must be clearly stated, measurable, and appropriate to the phase of market development.
• Step 4: Determine Your Promotion Mix
This is where you will need to allocate resources among sales promotion, advertising, publicity, and of course personal selling. Don't skimp on either of these areas. You must create an awareness among your buyers in order for your promotional campaign to succeed. A well rounded promotion will use all these methods in some capacity.

• Step 5: Develop Your Promotional Message.
This is the time that you will need to sit down with your team and focus on the content, appeal, structure, format, and source of the message. Keep in mind in promotional campaigns appeal and execution always work together.

• Step 6: Develop the Promotion Budget.
This is the exciting part. You must now determine the total promotion budget. This involves determining cost breakdowns per territory and promotional mix elements. Take some time to break down allocations and determine the affordability, percent of sales, and competitive parity. By breaking down these costs you will get a better idea on gauging the success potential of your campaign.

• Step 7: Determine Campaign Effectiveness
After marketing communications are assigned, the promotional plan must be formal defined in a written document. In this document you should include situation analysis, copy platform, timetables for effective integration of promotional elements with elements in your marketing mix. You will also need to determine how you will measure the effectiveness once it is implement. How did the actual performance measure up to planned objectives. You'll need to gather this information by asking your target market whether they recognized or recall specific advertising messages, what they remember about the message, how they felt about the message, and if their attitudes toward the company was affected by the message.

Six Steps to Developing Your Public Relations and Media Plan

Six Steps to Developing Your Public Relations and Media Plan

Marketing experts will tell you that a well planned public relations campaign is often far more effective than advertising. This tutorial will assist you in developing and creating the core of your public relations campaign in six easy steps.
• Step 1: Define and write down your objectives for your publicity or media plan.
How will you design your public relations campaign? Will it be designed to:
• Establish your expertise among your peers, the press, or your potential clients or customers?
• Build goodwill among your customer, supplier, or your community?
• Create and reinforce your brand and professional corporate image?
• Inform and create good perceptions regarding your company and services?
• Assist you in introducing a new service or product to your market?
• Generate sales or leads?
• Mitigate the impact of negative publicity and/or corporate crisis?
You may be wondering why I am asking you these things at the beginning of a tutorial that is supposed to show you how to create and your develop publicity plan? The answer is easy. In order for your publicity and media plan to be successful it's first most important to determine and define your objective. With a clear objective in mind you have laid the ground work to the complete the remainder of this tutorial.
• Step 2: Define your goals in achieving this objective. It is important that your goals be specific, measurable, results-oriented and time-bound. These goals must be in-line with your overall business, marketing, and sales objectives.

• Step 3: Determine who your target audience consists of. Who is it that you want to reach with this campaign? What do you want your key message to be?

• Step 4: Develop a schedule for your public relation campaigns. Create synergy by coinciding your public relations plan with other marketing and sales efforts.

• Step 5: Develop your plan of attack. What communication vehicles will you use to get your message to the public? Examples may include:
• Press releases
• Articles
• Customer Success Stories
• Letters to the Editor
• Press Conferences, Interview, or Media Tours
• Radio, Television, or Press Interviews
• Seminars or Speaking Engagements
• Event Sponsorships
Select three from the list and beginning researching and developing your approach.

• Step 6: Put measures in place to track the results of your PR Campaign. After each campaign sit down and review the results. Did you achieve the defined objectives and goals of this campaign? Should you consider modifying your original plan? If so, how and why?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The list of the Urdu Newspapers linked to United News of India

CALCUTTA - 700 001

CALCUTTA 700 073

CALCUTTA 700 017

P.O.BOX NO.10803,
CALCUTTA 700 009

P.O. BOX NO 26
PIN: 800 006

PATNA 800 004

PATNA - 800 004

PATNA 800 004

RANCHI 834001


NEW DELHI-110 002

NEW DELHI-110 002

NEW DELHI - 110 005

2047/6, 2ND FLOOR,
NEW DELHI 110055

NEW DELHI - 110 013.


NEW DELHI 110 014


20/71, DDA FLATS



DELHI 110 092


NEW DELHI 110 025

DELHI 110 006

NEW DELHI 110 002

2330, 2ND FLOOR
NEW DELHI 110 002


39-T, SECTOR-7,
NEW DELHI-110 025

JAMMU -180001















KANPUR - 208 001



VARANASI - 221 002


NEW DELHI - 110 005

C-2 C-3 C-4 SECTOR 11,
NOIDA-201301 (U.P.)





D.NO.12-2-837/A/3,1ST FLOOR,

# 5-6-1 TO 3, DARUS SALAM,

5-9-14/14/1/15,OPP- A.P.SECRE-

22-8-405, FIRST FLOOR,
HYDERABAD - 500002

MUMBAI - 400 008



225/45,1ST FLOOR,OFFICE NO.10,

BUDDI LANE, 5,500.00




BOMBAY - 400 008

List of all known RSS feeds for Indian newspapers and magazines

The name of the magazine / newspaper (or newspaper section, as the case might be) is linked to the RSS feed for that magazine / newspaper. If you find any error or find a feed that should be listed here, please get in touch!

Business Today
Business World
India Together
India Together - Agriculture
India Together - Economy
India Together - Environment
India Together - Education
India Together - Women
Down to Earth
Good News India
नवभारत टैम्स
Mumbai Mirror
दैनिक जागरण (Dainik Jagran)
दैनिक भास्कर (Dainik Bhaskar)
हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक (Hindustan Dainik)
Govt of india: PIB
The Statesman
Star of Mysore
Business Standard
Central Chronicle
Chandigarh Tribune
The Pioneer
New Indian Express
The Assam Tribune
Deccan Herald
ಕನ್ನಡ ಪ್ರಭ (Kannada Prabha)
The Navhind Times
OHeraldo (Goa)
Telegraph: Front Page
Telegraph: Nation
Telegraph: Calcutta
Telegraph: Opinion
Telegraph: Sports
Telegraph: Bengal
Telegraph: Business
Telegraph: Intl.
Telegraph: North Bengal
Telegraph: North East
Sify News
Sify Finance
NDTV National
NDTV Business
HBL: Breaking News
HBL: Front Page
HBL: Corporate
HBL: Markets
HBL: Info-Tech
HBL: Marketing
HBL: Money & Banking
HBL: Agri-Biz & Commodities
HBL: Industry & Economy
HBL: Logistics
HBL: Government
HBL: Opinion
HBL: Variety
HBL: Corporate Results
HBL: Investment World
HBL: eWorld
HBL: Catalyst
HBL: Mentor
HBL: Life
HBL: Canvas
Hindu MP: Bangalore
Hindu MP: Chennai
Hindu MP: Coimbatore
Hindu MP: Delhi
Hindu MP: Hyderabad
Hindu MP: Kochi
Hindu MP: Madurai
Hindu MP: Mangalore
Hindu MP: Pondicherry
Hindu MP: Tiruchirapalli
Hindu MP: Thiruvananthapuram
Hindu MP: Vijayawada
Hindu MP: Visakhapatnam
Hindu FR: Bangalore
Hindu FR: Chennai
Hindu FR: Delhi
Hindu FR: Hyderabad
Hindu FR: Thiruvananthapuram
Hindu EP: Bangalore
Hindu EP: Chennai
Hindu EP: Coimbatore
Hindu EP: Hyderabad
Hindu EP: Madurai
Hindu EP: Tiruchirapalli
Hindu EP: Thiruvananthapuram
Hindu EP: Vijayawada
Hindu EP: Visakhapatnam
Mathrubhoomi (Malayalam)
One India News (More oneindia feeds)
RSS feeds from Mint
Times Now: National News
Times Now: Business
Times Now: World
Indian Express (Full Site)
Indian Express Front Page
Express India Front Page
Financial Express (Full Site)
Financial Express Front Page
DNA: India
DNA: Mumbai
DNA: Top News
DNA: Money
PTI: Top News
PTI: Business
PTI: National
Hindu: Breaking News
Hindu: Front Page
Hindu: National
Hindu: Intl.
Hindu: Opinion
Hindu: Business
Hindu: Sunday Magazine
Hindu: Open Page
Hindu: Business Review
Hindu: Book Review
Hindu: Science & Tech
Hindu: Sport
Hindu: Weather, Etc.
Hindu: Engagements
Hindu: Tamil Nadu
Hindu: Andhra Pradesh
Hindu: Karnataka
Hindu: Kerala
Hindu: New Delhi
Hindu: Other States
Hindu: Literary Review
Hindu YW: General
Hindu YW: Bangalore
Hindu YW: Chennai
Hindu YW: Coimbatore
Hindu YW: Delhi
Hindu YW: Hyderabad
Hindu YW: Kochi
Hindu YW: Madurai
Hindu YW: Mangalore
Hindu YW: Tiruchirapalli
Hindu YW: Thiruvananthapuram
Hindu YW: Vijayawada
Hindu YW: Visakhapatnam
Hindu PP: Bangalore
Hindu PP: Chennai
Hindu PP: Coimbatore
Hindu PP: Hyderabad
Hindu PP: Kochi
New Kerala: World News
New Kerala: India News
New Kerala: Kerala News
New Kerala: Business India
New Kerala: Sports India
New Kerala: Health News
New Kerala: Travel News
New Kerala: Andhra Pradesh
New Kerala: Karnataka
New Kerala: Maharashtra
New Kerala: Tamil Nadu
Rediff: GetAhead
Rediff: Info You Can Use
Rediff: BPO News
Rediff: Personal Finance
Rediff: Top Stories
Rediff: News
Rediff: Columns
Rediff: Interviews
Rediff: Intl. News
Rediff: Business
Rediff: Movies
Rediff: Sports
Rediff: Cricket
Hindustan Times: Top Stories
Hindustan Times: Latest
Hindustan Times: News
Hindustan Times: India
Hindustan Times: World
Hindustan Times: Views
Hindustan Times: Business
Hindustan Times: Lifestyle
Hindustan Times: Cricket
Hindustan Times: Cricket Features
Cricket: News
Cricket: Indian Cricket News
Cricket: Intl. News
Cricket: Features
Cricket: Columnists
Cricket: Interviews
Business Standard: News Now
Business Standard: Front Page Headlines
Business Standard: Opinion & Analysis
Business Standard: Banking & Finance
Business Standard: Companies & Industry
Business Standard: Economy & Policy
Business Standard: Tech World
Business Standard: Life & Leisure
Business Standard: Markets & Investing
Business Standard: Management & Mktg
Business Standard: Automobiles
Business Standard: Aviation
FT India
FT India: Economy
FT India: Business
FT India: Regulation
FT India: Politics
FT India: Finance
FT India: Society
ToI: India
ToI: Indo-Pak Ties
ToI: NRI News
ToI: Sports
ToI: The United States
ToI: Cities
ToI: Entertainment
ToI: India Business
ToI: Intl Business
ToI: Pakistan
ToI: Columnists
ToI: Editorial
ToI: Interviews
ToI: Delhi Times
ToI: Bangalore Times
ToI: Bombay Times
ToI: Ahmedabad Times
ToI: Calcutta Times
ToI: Chandigarh Times
ToI: Hyderabad Times
ToI: Kanpur Times
ToI: Lucknow Times
ToI: Pune Times
ET: Auto
ET: Cars
ET: Transportation
ET: Two Wheelers
ET: Banking
ET: Finance / Insurance
ET: Insurance
ET: Big Bucks: Investment
ET: Biotech
ET: Healthcare
ET: Services
ET: Advertising
ET: Consultancy / Audit
ET: Education
ET: Retailing
ET: Travel
ET: Consumer Products
ET: Fashion / Cosmetics
ET: Food
ET: Entertainment
ET: Media
ET: Economy / Finance
ET: Foreign Trade
ET: Indicators
ET: Agriculture
ET: Policy
ET: Electronics
ET: Engineering
ET: Oil & Gas
ET: Petrochem
ET: Pharma
ET: Power
ET: Steel
ET: Infrastructure
ET: Infotech
ET: Software
ET: Gadgets
ET: Brand Equity
ET: Corporate Dossier
ET: Jobs
ET: Telecom
ET: Stocks News
ET: Mutual Funds
ET: Global Markets

Print Media - New Delhi

The List Of Newspapers Empanelled (Category A)

English Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Asian Age *
2 Business Standards
3 Indian Express
4 National Herald
5 Sunday Times of India
6 The Hindu
7 The Hindustan Times
8 The Pioneer
9 The Statesman
10 The Times of India
11 The Sunday Express
12 Today Afternoon*

* Empanelled by Department of Information & Publicity, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

Hindi Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Amar Ujala
2 Bandemataram
3 Bhaskar ( Faridabad )
4 Dainik Jagran
5 Hari Bhoomi
6 Hindustan
7 In Dinon
8 Jansatta
9 Navbharat Times
10 Punjab Kesari
11 Qaumi Patrika
12 Rastriya Sahara
13 Sandhya Veer Arjun
14 Shah Times
15 Veer Arjun

Urdu Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Akhbar-e-Mashriq
2 Al-Yaum
3 Awam
4 Hamara Maqsad
5 Jadid In-Dinon
6 Mashriqi Awaz
7 Milap
8 Pratap
9 Qaumi Awaz
10 Sada-e-Watan Jadeed
11 Siyasi Ufuque
12 Tej

Punjabi Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Educator
2 Jathedar
3 Panthak Samachar

The List of Newspapers Empanelled (Category B)
English Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Around The Times
2 Days News
3 Delhi Tribune
4 Money Makers
5 Nivida Suchana
6 Samachar Post
7 These Days
8 Times Days

Hindi Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Advt. N Advt.
2 Amrit Varsha
3 Ardh Viram
4 Bharat Bhavana
5 Bharat Desh Hamara
6 Charchit Duniya
7 G.T.B.Times
8 Ham Aur Aap
9 Hindustan Rah
10 Hira Times
11 Illustrated Media Today
12 Mahalaxami Bhgyodaya
13 New India Herald
14 Parivartan Bharati
15 Public Ujala
16 Qamar Express
17 Rajdhani Patrika
18 Rashtra Ka Vidhan
19 Rashtriya Sagar
20 Rozana
21 Saara Bharat
22 Swatantra Sahadra Mail
23 Tender Auction Samachar
24 The Page
25 Vyapar Bharati
26 Vyapar Udyog Samachar
27 Sandhya M.Bhagyodaya

Urdu Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Ekdaam
2 Hal-E-Watan

Punjabi Dailies
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Chardikala
2 Jan Ekta
3 Vartman Hindustan

The List Of Newspapers Empanelled (Category C)
List of Weekly Newspapers
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Rashtra Times (H/W)
2 Delhi Ab Tak (H/W)
3 Kisan Times (H/W)
4 Punarvas (H/W)
5 Panchjanya (H/W)
6 Job Guide (E/W)
7 Hindi Yuva Reporter (H/W)
8 Sanjha Maqsad (H/W)
9 Indian Currents (H/W)
10 Metra Headlines (H/W)
11 Bharat Aajkal (H/W)
12 Shakti Times (H/W)
13 Rastriya Navodaya (H/W)
14 Tomar Times (H/W)
15 BIC Times (E/W)
16 Chinu Times (H/W)

List of Daily Newspapers
Sr. no. Name of Publication
1 Mahamedha(H/D)
2 Shahafat(U/D)
3 Quami Patrika(P/D)
4 Amrit India(H/D)
5 Hindustan Express(U/D)
6 Happy Delhi(H/D)
7 Amrit Garima(H/D)
8 Desh Bhakat Times(H/D)
9 Sankalp Times(H/D)
10 Rajniti Sandesh(H/D)
11 Bharti Vakil(H/D)
12 Sandhya Times(H/D)
13 Alls Sandesh(H/D)
14 Salar-E-Hind(U/D)
15 Siyasatnama(U/D)
16 Chalet Phirte(H/D)
17 Samay Dhara(H/D)
18 Kainat Jadid(U/D)
19 Bhedi Nazar(H/D)
20 Rafter-E-Waqt(U/D)
21 Punch(H/D)
22 Jaded Khabar(U/D)
23 Rozanama Rastriya Sahara(U/D)
24 Delhi Shahdara Herald(H/D)
25 Rehbar-E-India(U/D)
26 Parichay Times(H/D)
27 Al-Momin(U/D)

This is a list of regional newspapers in India, listing newspapers printed and published in India:

This is a list of regional newspapers in India, listing newspapers printed and published in India:

Assamese Language
• Adinor Sambad
• Aji
• Agradoot
• Aajir Dainik Batori
• Ajir Asom
• Aamar Asom
• Asom Bani
• Bhoomiputra
• Dainik Agradoot
• Dainik Janambhumi
• Janasadharan
• Danik Asom
• Natun Dainik
• Saadin

Bengali Language
• Aajkaal
• Ananda Bazar Patrika
• Bartaman
• Dainik Jugasankha
• Dainik Samayik Prasanga
• Dainik Sonar Cachar
• Dainik Statesman
• Century Sangbad
• Ganashakti
• Sangbad Pratidin
• Sambad
• Ekdin
• Uttar Banga Sambad

Gujarati Language
• Akila Daily
• Bombay Samachar
• City Watch Gujarat
• Divya Bhaskar
• Gujarat Samachar
• Jai Hind
• Sambhaav Newspaper
• Sandesh
• Desh Pradesh Ni Aajkaal
• Nobat
• Phulchhab
• Janmabhoomi
• Naya Padkar

Hindi Language
• Dainik Navajyoti
• Amar Ujala
• Dainik Bhaskar
• Dakshin Bharat Rashtramat
• Hindustan
• Dainik Jagran
• Dainik Purvoday
• Rashtriya Sahara
• Do Baje Dopahar
• Hari Bhoomi
• Hindi Milap
• Jansatta
• Mumbai Dainik Sandhya
• Nai Dunia
• Navbharat Times
• Purbanchal Prahari
• Punjab Kesari
• Prabhat Khabar
• Punjab Focus
• Pratah Kal
• Press Ki Taquat
• Rajasthan Patrika
• Ranchi Express
• Rastriya Sahara
• Hindustan Express
• Veer Arjun
• Vyapaar
• NCR Times
• United Bharat
• Chambal Surkhi
• Sandhya Pahal
• Anugamini
• Patrika
• Gandiva
• Ujala
• Sanmarg
• Janmukh
• Kashi Warta
• Navabharat
• Janwarta
• Aj
• Rashtriya Aawaz
• Sansani Chobis Ghante
• Dadhich Darpan

Kannada language
• Vijaya Karnataka
• Prajavani
• Kannada Prabha
• Udayavani
• Samyukta Karnataka
• Hosa_digantha
• Vaartha Bhaarathi
• Sanjevani
• Ee Sanje
• Janathavani
• Janatha Madhyama
• Hassanvani
• Kranti Kannada Daily
• Taranga
• Sudha
• karmaveera
• Mayura
• Tushara_(_magazine_)
• Kasthuri
• Lankesh Patrike
• Hai Benagalooru
• Mangala
• Bala Mangala
• Andolana
• roopatara

Kashmiri Language
• Koshur Akhbar
• Soan Meeraas

Malayalam Language
• Aswamedham
• Chandrika
• Deepika
• Deshabhimani
• Janayugam
• Janmabhumi
• Kerala Kaumudi
• Kerala Kaumudi Flash
• Kalakaumudi
• Madhyamam
• Malayala Manorama
• Mangalam
• Mathrubhumi
• Punyabhumi
• Thejas
• Siraj
• Varthamanam
• Veekshanam
• Metro Vaartha
• Kaumudiplus Internet newspaper

Manipuri Language
• Ching Tam
• Huiyen Lanpao
• Imphal Free Press
• Kanglapao
• Kangleipakki Meira
• Lanbung
• Mannaba
• Matamgi Yakairol
• Meeyam
• Naharolgi Thoudang
• Ningtam Lanpao
• Paonilkhol
• Poknapham
• Prajatantra
• Punshi
• Sanaleibak
• Sangai Express
• Toknga
• Thoudok Wathok
• Eastern Post, Jiribam

Marathi Language
• Daily Aikya
• Daily Kesari
• Deshdoot
• Deshonnati
• Gavkari
• Goa Times
• Gomantak
• Govadoot
• Lokmat
• Loksatta
• Konkan Darshan
• Konkan Vaarta
• Mahanagar
• [[Maharashtra Times]Ma TA]
• Mumbai Chaufair
• Mumbai Sandhya
• Nava Kaal
• Navprabha
• Pudhari
• Ratnagiri Times
• Saamna
• Sakal
• Sanatan Prabhat
• Sanchar
• Sandhyakaal
• Sandhyanand
• Mahanayak
• Tarun Bharat
• Zunjar Neta
• Mahavidarbha
• Punyanagari
• Arthniti

Mizo language
• Vanglaini

Nepali Language
• Himgiri
• Sunchari
• Himali Darpan

Oriya Language
• Dharitri
• The Samaja
• The Prajatantra
• The Samaya
• Pragatibadi
• Ama Rajdhani
• anupambharat
• Odisa Bhaskara
• The Eswar
• Sambada Kalika
• The Suryaprabha

Punjabi Language
• Desh Videsh Times
• Ajit
• Punjab Express
• Punjab Focus
• Sanjh Savera
• Jag Bani
• Khuli Soch
• Sher-e-punjab
• Desh Sewak
• Nawan Zamana
• Punjabi Tribune
• Ajj di Aawaz
• Chardi Kala
• Akali Patrika
• Press Ki Taquat
• Rozana Spokesman

Tamil Language
• Ananda Vikatan Not a newspaper
• Dina Thandi
• Dina Sudar
• Dinakaran
• Dina Malar
• Dina Mani
• Kadiravan
• Kumudam Not a newspaper
• Kumari Murasu
• Kaalai Kathir
• Maalai Murasu
• Maalai Malar
• Mani Chudar
• Namadhu MGR
• Tamil Murasu
• Tamil Sudar
• Thinaboomi
• Thinathoodhu
• Thinaseidhi
• Viduthalai
• Janasakthi
• Theekkadir
• Maduraimani

Telugu Language
• Andhra Bhoomi
• Andhra Jyothi
• Andhra Prabha
• Andhra Pradesh
• Annadata
• Eenadu
• Praja Shakti
• Vaartha
• Hyderabad Mirror
• Rakshana
• Udayam it was there long back
• Suryaa
• Saaksham
• Saakshi (newspaper)
• Aksharam
• Zaminryot Longest living telugu news paper (80th year)

Tibetan Language
• Tibet Sun

Urdu Language
• Avadhnama
• Eitamad
• Rehnumah-e-Deccan
• The Inquilab
• Munsif Daily
• Siasat
• Hindustan Express
• Pindar
• Ek Qaum
• The Musalman
• Rozanama Rashtriya Sahara
• Sahafat
• Urdu Times
• Awaz E Mulk
• Pratap
• Hind Samachar
• Milap

Major Publications Across India

. Aaj - Agra
. Aaj - Allahabad
. Aaj - Barielly
. Aaj - Gorakhpur
. Aaj - Jamshedpur
. Aaj - Kanpur
. Aaj - Lucknow
. Aaj - Patna
. Aaj - Ranchi
. Aaj - Varanasi

» Ajit
. Ajit - Jalandhar

» Amar Ujala
. Amar Ujala - Agra
. Amar Ujala - Allahabad
. Amar Ujala - Bareilly
. Amar Ujala - Chandigarh
. Amar Ujala - Dehradun
. Amar Ujala - Jalandhar
. Amar Ujala - Jhansi
. Amar Ujala - Kanpur
. Amar Ujala - Meerut
. Amar Ujala - Moradabad
. Amar Ujala - Nainital
. Amar Ujala - New Delhi
. Amar Ujala - Varanasi

» Ananda Bazar Patrika
. Ananda Bazar Patrika - Delhi
. Ananda Bazar Patrika - Kolkata
. Ananda Bazar Patrika - Mumbai

» Andhra Jyothi
. Andhra Jyothi - Anantpur
. Andhra Jyothi - Guntur
. Andhra Jyothi - Hyderabad
. Andhra Jyothi - Karimnagar
. Andhra Jyothi - Tanuku
. Andhra Jyothi - Tirupati
. Andhra Jyothi - Vijayawada
. Andhra Jyothi - Visakhapatnam
. Andhra Jyothi - Warangal

» Asomiya Khabar
. Asomiya Khabar - Guwahati

» Asomiya Pratidin
. Asomiya Pratidin - Bongaigaon
. Asomiya Pratidin - Dibrugarh
. Asomiya Pratidin - Guwahati
. Asomiya Pratidin - North Lakhimpur

» Assam Tribune
. Assam Tribune - Guwahati

» Assignments Abroad Times
. Assignments Abroad Times - Mumbai

» Bartaman
. Bartaman - Kolkata

» Bombay Samachar
. Bombay Samachar - Mumbai

» Business Standard
. Business Standard - Ahmedabad
. Business Standard - Bangalore
. Business Standard - Chennai
. Business Standard - Delhi
. Business Standard - Hyderabad
. Business Standard - Kolkata
. Business Standard - Lucknow
. Business Standard - Mumbai

» Daily Excelsior
. Jammu

» Daily Sakal
. Daily Sakal - Aurangabad
. Daily Sakal - Kolhapur
. Daily Sakal - Mumbai
. Daily Sakal - Nagpur
. Daily Sakal - Nasik
. Daily Sakal - Pune
. Daily Sakal - Satara
. Daily Sakal - Solapur

» Daily Thanthi
. Daily Thanthi - Bangalore
. Daily Thanthi - Chennai
. Daily Thanthi - Coimbatore
. Daily Thanthi - Cuddalore
. Daily Thanthi - Dindigul
. Daily Thanthi - Erode
. Daily Thanthi - Madurai
. Daily Thanthi - Nagarcoil
. Daily Thanthi - Pondicherry
. Daily Thanthi - Salem
. Daily Thanthi - Thanjavur
. Daily Thanthi - Tiruchirappalli
. Daily Thanthi - Tirunelveli
. Daily Thanthi - Vellore

» Dainik Bhaskar
. Dainik Bhaskar - Ajmer
. Dainik Bhaskar - Bhopal
. Dainik Bhaskar - Bikaner
. Dainik Bhaskar - Bilaspur
. Dainik Bhaskar - Chandigarh
. Dainik Bhaskar - Delhi
. Dainik Bhaskar - Faridabad
. Dainik Bhaskar - Ganganagar
. Dainik Bhaskar - Gwalior
. Dainik Bhaskar - Hissar
. Dainik Bhaskar - Indore
. Dainik Bhaskar - Jabalpur
. Dainik Bhaskar - Jaipur
. Dainik Bhaskar - Jhansi
. Dainik Bhaskar - Jodhpur
. Dainik Bhaskar - Kota
. Dainik Bhaskar - Nagpur
. Dainik Bhaskar - Panipat
. Dainik Bhaskar - Raipur
. Dainik Bhaskar - Satna
. Dainik Bhaskar - Udaipur

» Dainik Jagran
. Dainik Jagran - Agra
. Dainik Jagran - Aligarh
. Dainik Jagran - Allahabad
. Dainik Jagran - Bareilly
. Dainik Jagran - Bhagalpur
. Dainik Jagran - Bhopal
. Dainik Jagran - Dehradun
. Dainik Jagran - Dhanbad
. Dainik Jagran - Gorakhpur
. Dainik Jagran - Hisar
. Dainik Jagran - Jalandhar
. Dainik Jagran – Jammu
. Dainik Jagran - Jamshedpur
. Dainik Jagran - Jhansi
. Dainik Jagran - Kanpur
. Dainik Jagran - Lucknow
. Dainik Jagran - Ludhiana
. Dainik Jagran - Meerut
. Dainik Jagran - Moradabad
. Dainik Jagran - Muzaffarpur
. Dainik Jagran - Nainital
. Dainik Jagran - New Delhi
. Dainik Jagran - Panipat
. Dainik Jagran - Patna
. Dainik Jagran - Ranchi
. Dainik Jagran - Rewa
. Dainik Jagran - Varanasi

» Dainik Lokmat
. Dainik Lokmat - Ahmadnagar
. Dainik Lokmat - Aurangabad
. Dainik Lokmat - Kolahapur
. Dainik Lokmat - Mumbai
. Dainik Lokmat - Solapur

» Dainik Sambad
. Dainik Sambad - Agartala

» Dainik Tribune
. Dainik Tribune - Chandigarh

» Deccan Chronicle
. Deccan Chronicle - Anantapur
. Deccan Chronicle - Hyderabad
. Deccan Chronicle - Karimnagar
. Deccan Chronicle - Nellore
. Deccan Chronicle - Rajahmundry
. Deccan Chronicle - Vijaywada
. Deccan Chronicle - Visakhapatnam

» Deccan Herald
. Deccan Herald - Bangalore
. Deccan Herald - Davanagere
. Deccan Herald - Gulbarga
. Deccan Herald - Hubli – Dharwad
. Deccan Herald - Mangalore

» Dehradun Classified
. Dehradun

» Deshbandhu
. Deshbandhu - Bhopal
. Deshbandhu - Bilaspur
. Deshbandhu - Jabalpur
. Deshbandhu - Raipur
. Deshbandhu - Satna

» Deshonnati
. Deshonnati - Akola
. Deshonnati - Amrawati
. Deshonnati - Buldana
. Deshonnati - Jalgaon
. Deshonnati - Nagpur
. Deshonnati - Nanded-Waghala
. Deshonnati - Yavatmal

» Dharitri
. Dharitri - Bhubaneswar

» Dinamalar
. Dinamalar - Chennai
. Dinamalar - Coimbatore
. Dinamalar - Erode
. Dinamalar - Madurai
. Dinamalar - Nagercoil
. Dinamalar - Pondichery
. Dinamalar - Salem
. Dinamalar - Tanjore
. Dinamalar - Tiruchirappalli
. Dinamalar - Tirunelveli
. Dinamalar - Vellore

» Dinamani
. Dinamani - Chennai
. Dinamani - Coimbatore
. Dinamani - Madurai
. Dinamani - Tiruchirappalli

» Divya Bhaskar
. Divya Bhaskar - Ahmedabad
. Divya Bhaskar - Baroda
. Divya Bhaskar - Bhavnagar
. Divya Bhaskar - Rajkot
. Divya Bhaskar - Surat

» Divya Himachal
. Divya Himachal - Dharmsala
. Divya Himachal - Shimla

. DNA - Mumbai

» Economic Times
. Economic Times - Ahmedabad
. Economic Times - Bangalore
. Economic Times - Chandigarh
. Economic Times - Chennai
. Economic Times - Delhi
. Economic Times - Hyderabad
. Economic Times - Kolkata
. Economic Times - Mumbai
. Economic Times - Pune

» Eenadu
. Eenadu - Anantapur
. Eenadu – Bangalore
. Eenadu – Chennai
. Eenadu – Cuddapah
. Eenadu - Guntur
. Eenadu - Hyderabad
. Eenadu - KarimNagar
. Eenadu – Khammam
. Eenadu - Kurnool
. Eenadu – Mahaboobnagar
. Eenadu – Mumbai
. Eenadu - Nellore
. Eenadu – New Delhi
. Eenadu – Nizamabad
. Eenadu – Ongole
. Eenadu - Rajahmundry
. Eenadu - Srikakulam
. Eenadu - Suryapet
. Eenadu – Tadepalligudem
. Eenadu - Tirupati
. Eenadu - Vijayawada
. Eenadu - Visakhapatnam
. Eenadu – Warangal

» Financial Express
. Financial Express - Ahmedabad
. Financial Express - Bangalore
. Financial Express - Chandigarh
. Financial Express - Chennai
. Financial Express - Delhi
. Financial Express - Hyderabad
. Financial Express - Kochi
. Financial Express - Kolkata
. Financial Express - Mumbai

» Free Press Journal
. Free Press Journal - Indore
. Free Press Journal - Mumbai

» Gavakari
. Gavakari - Aurangabad
. Gavakari - Jalgaon
. Gavakari - Nashik

» Gomantak Times
. Gomantak Times - Panaji

» Greater Kashmir
. Greater Kashmir - Srinagar

» Gujarat Samachar
. Gujarat Samachar - Ahemedabad
. Gujarat Samachar - Bhavnagar
. Gujarat Samachar - Mumbai
. Gujarat Samachar - Rajkot
. Gujarat Samachar - Surat
. Gujarat Samachar - Vadodara

» Gurgaon Explorer
. Gurgaon

» Hari Bhoomi
. Hari Bhoomi - Bilaspur
. Hari Bhoomi - Raipur
. Hari Bhoomi - Rohtak

» Hind Samachar
. Hind Samachar - Jalandhar

» Hindustan
. Hindustan - Delhi
. Hindustan - Lucknow
. Hindustan - Patna
. Hindustan - Ranchi
. Hindustan – Varanasi

» Hindustan Times
. Hindustan Times - Chandigarh
. Hindustan Times - Delhi
. Hindustan Times - Kolkata
. Hindustan Times - Lucknow
. Hindustan Times - Mumbai
. Hindustan Times - Patna
. Hindustan Times - Ranchi

» Hitavada
. Hitavada - Nagpur

» Indian Express - All India
. Indian Express - Ahemadabad
. Indian Express - Chandigargh
. Indian Express - Delhi
. Indian Express - Jammu
. Indian Express - Kolkata
. Indian Express - Lucknow
. Indian Express - Mumbai
. Indian Express - Nagpur
. Indian Express - Pune
. Indian Express - Vadodara

» I-Next
. I-Next - Kanpur
. I-Next - Lucknow
I-Next - Patna

» Jagbani
. Jagbani - Jalandhar

» Lokmat
. Lokmat - Akola
. Lokmat - Jalgaon
. Lokmat - Nagpur
. Lokmat - Nashik
. Lokmat - Pune

» Lokmat Samachar
. Lokmat Samachar - Akola
. Lokmat Samachar - Aurangabad
. Lokmat Samachar - Nagpur

» Lokmat Times
. Lokmat Times - Aurangabad
. Lokmat Times - Nagpur

» Loksatta
. Loksatta - Ahmadnagar
. Loksatta - Mumbai
. Loksatta - Nagpur
. Loksatta - Pune

» Maharashtra Times
. Maharashtra Times - Mumbai

» Malayala Manorama
. Malayala Manorama - Bangalore
. Malayala Manorama - Chennai
. Malayala Manorama - Kannur
. Malayala Manorama - Kochi
. Malayala Manorama - Kollam
. Malayala Manorama - Kottayam
. Malayala Manorama - Kozhikode
. Malayala Manorama - Malappuram
. Malayala Manorama - Mumbai
. Malayala Manorama - Palakkad
. Malayala Manorama - Thiruvananthapuram
. Malayala Manorama - Thrissur

» Mathrubhumi
. Mathrubhumi - Bangalore
. Mathrubhumi - Chennai
. Mathrubhumi - Kannur
. Mathrubhumi - Kochi
. Mathrubhumi - Kollam
. Mathrubhumi - Kottayam
. Mathrubhumi - Kozhikode
. Mathrubhumi - Malappuram
. Mathrubhumi - Mumbai
. Mathrubhumi - Palakkad
. Mathrubhumi - Thiruvananthapuram
. Mathrubhumi - Thrissur

» Metro Now
. Metro Now - Delhi

» Mid Day
. Mid Day - Mumbai

» Mint
. Mint - Bangalore
. Mint - Delhi
. Mint - Mumbai

» Mumbai Choufer
. Mumbai Choufer - Mumbai

» Mumbai Mirror
. Mumbai Mirror - Mumbai

» Nagaland Post
. Nagaland Post - Dimapur

» Nai Dunia
. Nai Dunia - Bhopal
. Nai Dunia – Gwalior
. Nai Dunia - Indore

» Nav Bharat Times
. Navbharat Times - Delhi
. Navbharat Times - Mumbai

» Nava Bharat
. Nava Bharat - Bhopal
. Nava Bharat - Bilaspur
. Nava Bharat - Chhindwara
. Nava Bharat - Gwalior
. Nava Bharat - Jabalpur
. Nava Bharat - Mumbai
. Nava Bharat - Nagpur
. Nava Bharat - Raipur
. Nava Bharat - Satna

» Navakal
. Navakal - Mumbai

» O Herald O
. O Herald O - Panji

» Poknapham
. Poknapham - Imphal

» Prabhat Khabar
. Prabhat Khabar – Deoghar
. Prabhat Khabar - Dhanbad
. Prabhat Khabar - Jamshedpur
. Prabhat Khabar - Kolkata
. Prabhat Khabar - Patna
. Prabhat Khabar - Ranchi

» Prajavani
. Prajavani - Bangalore
. Prajavani - Davanagere
. Prajavani - Gulbarga
. Prajavani - Hubli
. Prajavani - Mangalore

» Pudhari
. Pudhari - Ahmednagar
. Pudhari - Belgaum
. Pudhari - Goa
. Pudhari - Kolhapur
. Pudhari - Pune
. Pudhari - Ratnagiri
. Pudhari - Sangli
. Pudhari - Satara
. Pudhari - Sindhudurg
. Pudhari - Solapur

» Punjab Kesari
. Punjab Kesari - Jalandhar
. Punjab Kesari - New Delhi

» Punjabi Tribune
. Punjabi Tribune - Chandigarh

» Punya Nagari
. Punya Nagari - Ahmadnagar
. Punya Nagari - Akola
. Punya Nagari - Aurangabad
. Punya Nagari - Dhule
. Punya Nagari - Jalgaon
. Punya Nagari - Kolhapur
. Punya Nagari - Latur
. Punya Nagari - Mumbai
. Punya Nagari - Nanded
. Punya Nagari - Nashik
. Punya Nagari - Pune
. Punya Nagari - Sangli
. Punya Nagari - Satara
. Punya Nagari - Solapur

» Rajasthan Patrika
. Rajasthan Patrika - Ahmedabad
. Rajasthan Patrika - Ajmer
. Rajasthan Patrika - Alwar
. Rajasthan Patrika - Bangalore
. Rajasthan Patrika - Bhilwara
. Rajasthan Patrika - Bikaner
. Rajasthan Patrika - Chennai
. Rajasthan Patrika - Jaipur
. Rajasthan Patrika - Jodhpur
. Rajasthan Patrika - Kota
. Rajasthan Patrika - Pali
. Rajasthan Patrika - Sikar
. Rajasthan Patrika - Sri Ganga Nagar
. Rajasthan Patrika - Surat
. Rajasthan Patrika - Udaipur

» Ranchi Express
. Ranchi Express - Ranchi

» Rashtriya Sahara
. Rashtriya Sahara - Delhi
. Rashtriya Sahara - Gorakhpur
. Rashtriya Sahara - Lucknow

» Samaj
. Samaj - Cuttack
. Samaj – Kolkata
. Samaj – Sambalpur
. Samaj – Visakhapatnam

» Sambad
. Sambad - Anugul
. Sambad - Balasore
. Sambad - Berhampur
. Sambad - Bhubaneswar
. Sambad - Cuttack
. Sambad - Jeypur
. Sambad - Raurkela
. Sambad - Sambalpur

» Samyukta Karnataka
. Samyukta Karnataka - Gulbarga
. Samyukta Karnataka - Hubli-Dhanwad

» Sandesh
. Sandesh - Ahmedabad
. Sandesh - Bhavnagar
. Sandesh - Rajkot
. Sandesh - Surat
. Sandesh - Vadodara

» Sandhya Times
. Sandhya Times - Delhi

» Sanmarg
. Sanmarg - Bhubaneswar
. Sanmarg - Kolkata

» Saurashtra Samachar
. Saurashtra Samachar - Bhavnagar

» Siasat
. Siasat - Hyderabad

» Tarun Bharat
. Tarun Bharat - Belgaum

» The Asian Age
. The Asian Age - Bangalore
. The Asian Age - Delhi
. The Asian Age - Kolkata
. The Asian Age - London
. The Asian Age - Mumbai

» The Free Press Journal
. The Free Press Journal - Indore
. The Free Press Journal - Mumbai

» The Hindu - All India
. The Hindu - Bangalore
. The Hindu - Chennai
. The Hindu - Coimbatore
. The Hindu - Delhi
. The Hindu - Hyderabad
. The Hindu - Kochi
. The Hindu - Madurai
. The Hindu - Mangalore
. The Hindu - Thiruvananthapuram
. The Hindu - Tiruchirappalli
. The Hindu - Vijayawada
. The Hindu - Visakhapatnam

» The Hindu Business Line
. The Hindu Business Line - Bangalore
. The Hindu Business Line - Chennai
. The Hindu Business Line - Coimbatore
. The Hindu Business Line - Delhi
. The Hindu Business Line - Hyderabad
. The Hindu Business Line - Kochi
. The Hindu Business Line - Madurai
. The Hindu Business Line - Mangalore
. The Hindu Business Line - Mumbai
. The Hindu Business Line - Thiruvananthapuram
. The Hindu Business Line - Tiruchirappalli
. The Hindu Business Line - Vijayawada
. The Hindu Business Line - Visakhapatnam

» The Hitavada
. The Hitavada - Jabalpur
. The Hitavada - Nagpur
. The Hitavada - Raipur

» The Munsif
. The Munsif - Hyderabad

» The Navahind Times
. The Navahind Times - Panaji

» The New Indian Express - All India
. The New Indian Express - Bangalore
. The New Indian Express - Belgaum
. The New Indian Express - Bhubaneshwar
. The New Indian Express - Chennai
. The New Indian Express - Coimbatore
. The New Indian Express - Hyderabad
. The New Indian Express - Kochi
. The New Indian Express - Kozhikode
. The New Indian Express - Madurai
. The New Indian Express - Shimoga
. The New Indian Express - Thiruvananthapuram
. The New Indian Express - Tiruchirappalli
. The New Indian Express - Vijayawada
. The New Indian Express - Vishakhapattanam

» The Pioneer
. The Pioneer - Bhopal
. The Pioneer – Bhubaneswar
. The Pioneer - Delhi
. The Pioneer – Kochi
. The Pioneer - Lucknow

» The Samaya
. The Samaya - Bhubaneswar

» The Sentniel
. The Sentniel - Guwahati

» The Shillong Times
. The Shillong Times - Shillong

» The Shillong Times

» The Statesman
. The Statesman - Bhubaneswar
. The Statesman - Delhi
. The Statesman - Kolkata
. The Statesman - Siliguri

» The Telegraph
. The Telegraph - Kolkata

» The Times Of India - All India
. The Times Of India - Ahmedabad
. The Times Of India - Bangalore
. The Times Of India - Delhi
. The Times Of India - Hyderabad
. The Times of India – Kanpur
. The Times Of India - Kolkata
. The Times Of India - Lucknow
. The Times Of India - Mangalore
. The Times Of India - Mumbai
. The Times of India – Mysore
. The Times Of India - Pune

» The Tribune
. The Tribune - Chandigarh

» Udayavani
. Udayavani - Bangalore
. Udayavani - Manipal
. Udayavani - Mumbai

» Vijay Karnataka
. Vijay Karnataka - Bagalkot
. Vijay Karnataka - Bangalore
. Vijay Karnataka - Chitradurga
. Vijay Karnataka - Gangawati
. Vijay Karnataka - Gulbarga
. Vijay Karnataka - Hubli
. Vijay Karnataka - Mangalore
. Vijay Karnataka - Mysore
. Vijay Karnataka - Shimoga

» Vijay Times
. Vijay Times - Bagalkot
. Vijay Times - Bangalore
. Vijay Times - Chitradurga
. Vijay Times - Gangawati
. Vijay Times - Gulbarga
. Vijay Times - Hubli
. Vijay Times - Mangalore
. Vijay Times - Mysore
. Vijay Times - Shimoga

Friday, April 23, 2010

Corporate Communication Challenge Ngo Uses Of Social Media

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Kumaran on NGOs in India

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Public Relations Management Session 4 Tools In Media Relations

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Public Relations Basics | What is a PR Campaign? Here Are 12 Steps to Create One

Public Relations Basics | What is a PR Campaign? Here Are 12 Steps to Create One

An integral part of your public relations efforts is the PR campaign. The PR campaign is the living, breathing final product of your research, brainstorming, and creation. As such, your PR campaign needs to be researched, thought out, focused, and realistic.

During a campaign, you "go live" with your press releases, news stories, and strategies. Some may define this as an advertising campaign (which sort of defeats the purpose of calling it a PR campaign); to have a successful PR campaign, you must advertise yourself in a sense, but it requires more that your PR efforts are successful. This means that your press releases, news and media contacts are in place, and that your strategies are well crafted for your company. That requires that a few things happen before you start your campaign:

1. Do your research. As I mention for every PR effort, research is the backbone of any success you garner. (If you are able to consistently succeed without research, we need to talk; you may have magical powers.) Forward thinking requires that you know how to properly anticipate needs, demand, and your ability to supply for those needs. In order to know that, you must do your homework. You can do this two ways: with primary research and secondary research. Primary research is research you conduct on your own with surveys, focus groups, etc. Secondary research is simply the use of research already conducted, like the census, study reports, customer reviews on other websites, etc. Use this research to help you identify the next steps in your campaign.
2. Know your target audience. This also includes a knowledge and understanding of anyone that may be included in the public that will receive your message. Even if they are not buyers of your product, they may become potential buyers. Tailor your message for your target audience, but don't disregard others not included in that audience. Know the public and know how your campaign will affect them. This can help you to anticipate future issues, needs, etc.
3. Know the stakeholders. This includes anyone who takes an interest in the campaign, like company executives, shareholders, employees, etc. These people need to be defined so that you can properly share with them the campaign, get them on board, and get their support. They also should be updated with the campaign's results as they are realized.
4. Know the market situation. Research other companies; define market elasticity; know your competitors; recognize opportunities and ignored markets; etc. This is the place for you to really see where your services can be used, how you can craft your messages/strategies, and how you can gain market share with your PR efforts. Overall, this gives you a good overview of the entire "forest" so that you can better implement your campaign.
5. Know your limitations. This includes knowing your resources, such as your time, budget, and the abilities of your team. If you need to hire na external company or firm to help with your PR campaign, do it. The repercussions of an ill-planned campaign may be more detrimental than having to pay more for a well-planned campaign.
6. Define your objectives. This needs to come from a well defined company objective/mission statement. If you company has not yet defined this in tangible measurements, this may be a good time to do so. If there are relevant objectives and a well defined mission, ensure that the campaign's objectives are also in line with the overall company's objectives.
7. Define your message(s). These need to stem from the objectives you defined in the previous step. Ensure that these are things that you can create strategies from, as that is what you will be doing in the next step. These can include things like, "PublicRelationsBlogger is the best online resource for PR basics, definitions, tools, and more." How do I send that message out? By creating great strategies.
8. Define your strategies. Created from your messages defined above, ensure that these strategies in fact help you reach your objective; if they do not, they may be better saved for another campaign or simply removed altogether. From the example above, this could be, "Demonstrate PublicRelationsBlogger's expertise through reviews, guest posts, and blog followers." To do that, I need to define tactics next.
9. Define the tactics you will use to achieve the strategies you seek. For the example above, I can contact other bloggers to review my blog, list my blog on review sites, ask other bloggers to let me write a guest post, etc. These tactics all help me reach the above strategy, which ties into my message I defined, which ties back into the campaign's objectives. Create a few different messages to really go at your objectives from all different angles.
10. Create a time line. This will help you define where and when to implement tactics. Be sure to take into account things like media deadlines, other events taking place, and other events the company has planned.
11. Implement. After you've done the above, implement your campaign and see your hard work pay off. Remember that you must monitor and manage the campaign as it runs through its life cycle; if you've done the steps above, the less monitoring and need to editing of components of the campaign you'll have to do when already in place than if you had simply thrown some tactics out there with an ill-defined message. Doing the right preparatory steps can make less work for you to do after implementation
12. Evaluate your results. This is where you evaluate your success (or lack thereof). Really measure the results, where things need to change, and where you were really successful. This can help you create a great campaign next time.
Overall, the above needs to be realistic. Did you set your goals too high? Too low (which can also be a problem)? Having goals that are challenging yet possible to attain make you work hard and feel more accomplished after having achieved them. Ensure, too, that your budget reflects what you can and cannot do, and that your tactics are in accordance with that budget.

List of Profiling Columns

List of Profiling Columns

Print Media

The Economic Times
Column: ET Interactive
About the Column:

This is a profiling column that appears in the most reputed financial dailies of the country, The Economic Times. The column is unique in its own way as it talks about what’s new in the IT & telecom sector, and what decisions Telecom makers think they that can change the face of the sector in the future. Also it can feature the Senior Officials of the Telecom Company and get their views and opinions about the market trends in the Telecom sector.

The Economic Times
Column: Night Time Reading
About the Column:

The column ‘Night Time Reading’ appears in the leading financial daily, The Economic Times. The column appears on the page ‘Freedom from Economics’ on Saturdays. The journalist interacts with industry’s top people on their choice of books or the recently read book. The journalist focuses only the book and not on the business of the person being interviewed, throws light on various interesting aspects of the book such as quotes or a phrase. The fact to be noticed is that the journalist writes in the voice of the person being interviewed, i.e. Active Voice, to give it a personal touch.

Business Standard
Column: Gizmo Geek
About the Column:

The column ‘Gizmo Geek’ appears in one of the widely read financial dailies in India, Business Standard. Gizmo Geek, which appears on Sunday, can be easily located at the page called Time-Out / Off-Hours. The column is a light-reading section, containing 150-200 words, usually in the form of questions answers in which the journalist talks to the top industry people on their choice of Gizmos, the gadgets they are currently using and devices that top their wish-list. The questions are framed in small sentences and are easy to answer.

Hindustan Times
Column: Boss After Work
About the Column:

The column ‘Boss After Work’ can be seen in the top mainline daily in India, Hindustan Times. The column begins with a brief introduction of the top-notch industry people, such as CEOs, CMDs, MDs, Chairman, and Presidents etc. The column is in a question answer form, usually having same questions with rare variations. The column is covered by the beat journalist in about 150-200 words.

Business Today
Page: Leadership Spotlight
About the Page:

Business Today, one of the leading Business Publications, has a page, called “Leadership Spotlight” which is dedicated to Top People from various Industries. The page focuses on their road travelled to the success, places them in the bigger picture and talks about those personal traits of their characters which have primarily helped them to reach where they are today. It also talks about how the industry is being benefited through their presence.

Business India
Page: Executive Focus
About the page:

Executive Focus is a full-fledged page dedicated to Industry leaders bringing them in the spotlight and discusses about the milestones achieved to reach the focal point of the Organization he / she is working in. It also throws a light to the academic background of the person and little bit on the personal as well.

The column is written in the form of a story of about 800-1000 words including the quotes from the person being interviewed thus giving it a personal touch. The journalist talks about

Outlook Business
Page: Business Diary
About the Page:

Outlook Business, a business publication from the house of Outlook Group, has created a section called “Business Diary” to provide their readers interesting insights into the world of business, through anecdotes from industry leaders and business watchers. It includes five or six interesting items and total word count is not more than 650 words.

Electronic Media

NDTV Profit
Show: Big Fish
About the Show:

Big Fish is a program on NDTV Profit, which essentially captures renowned and successful personalities like Presidents/CEOs/MDs of large organizations that fall into the category of industry leaders across verticals. The program focuses on industry knowledge, domain expertise and a detailed view on the corporate and business structure of the organization the personality belongs to. The featuring of the personalities in the show largely depends on the discretion of the editor and little on the rate of the personality in the company structure.

NDTV Profit
Show: Business on Course
About the Show:
‘Business on Course' - a show that features interviews with top notch CEOs over a gaming session of golf - focuses on business strategies that they advocate, how they navigate themselves and their corporations through the intimidating course of business, and discusses the interesting experiences they have been through in their lives to be the icons they are today.

Show: Business Lunch
About the Show:
Business Lunch is considered one of the hot media destinations for Top Professional leading large corporate firms. Hosted by Mitali Mukherjee, this show covers the corporate/market/political news. With the highlights of the top stories of the day, this show is just the right opportunity to keep you updated with the most current happenings and get a head start on the rest of the day.

Show: Young Turks
About the show:

This series focuses on today's young achievers who are poised to become tomorrow's leaders, by unraveling their past experiences, the challenges they faced and their vision for the future. Anchored by Shereen Bhan, it brings out the best in the young leaders of tomorrow in an informal discussion with them.

Health Communication

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India Social Media Survey - Edition 1 by and

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Building Communities for Online News

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

2020 Social Introduction To Social Media In India

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Can India Media Be Global

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The Best Communicators Start as the Best Listeners

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Financial Dailies

The Economic Times
Published by India's largest media group, Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd, The Economic Times is India's largest financial daily and the world's second largest financial daily after The Wall Street Journal. With a daily circulation of over 620,000 copies, it is also the most widely read financial daily of India. It is an essential reference document on Indian business, policy, economy and finance. It is considered a critical and key publication for any brand building, information dissemination and damage control exercise. It is published simultaneously from 10 metropolitan cities- Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi, Chandigarh and Pune-.and is read by key decision-makers, bureaucrats, technocrats and opinion makers across the country.

The Financial Express

The Financial Express belongs to the prestigious Indian Express Group of Newspapers. With a circulation of 84,000 and an estimated average readership of 1,57,000 it ranks among the leading business dailies of India. The paper has eleven editions- Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Pune- with a strong readership base in northern and southern part of the country. It has always had IT as one of its key coverage areas and a weekly page ‘Convergence’ is solely dedicated to the latest from the IT world.
Business Standard
Published by Business Standard Ltd. (BSL), it is one of the most respected business dailies in the county and ispublished in two languages- English and Hindi. It sells 144,000 copies daily in English, mostly to the business and policy-making elite. Its Hindi edition sells 53,000 copies. AC Nielsen's survey of the upper middle and rich market in India places Business Standard next to The Economic Times in total readership. It is published from 12 centres - Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Pune, Kochi and Bhubaneswar. The Financial Times of London has also taken an equity stake in the publication.

Mint is a recently launched business newspaper from HT Media Ltd, the publisher of The Hindustan Times, and is produced in exclusive partnership with The Wall Street Journal. The newspaper provides its readers simplified understanding of the most vital business news, including analysis, commentary and opinions on the same. Mint is now India's 2nd most widely read national business daily. It has a readership of over 1.75 lakhs in Delhi and Mumbai [Source:IRS 2009]. It has editions in all major cities like Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh and Pune.

The Hindu Business Line

The Hindu Business Line is published by Kasturi & Sons, the publishers of the newspaper The Hindu, and it is one of the premier financial dailies in the country. It has 13 satellite editions across India, including Delhi, and it is the most read financial newspaper in South India. The editorial content covers a broad range of issues affecting the economy and industry segments, and it effectively uses editorials/opinion articles as a tool to help readers get a perspective on emerging industry issues and best practices.

Financial Chronicle

Financial Chronicle is a financial daily published from four major metro cities- Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. It is posed as a multi-brand platform in the business journalism space, focusing on the various sectors of Indian economy. It is positioned to aid high net worth individuals in taking investment decisions. In partnership with International Herald Tribune (IHT) from the New York Times Co, (NYTCo.), a daily four-page IHT World Business supplement is also released which incorporates news, features and analysis on global policies, business and markets.


The Times of India

Published by India's largest media group, Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd, The Times of India is India's foremost English daily. According to the Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2008, it is the most widely read English newspaper in India with a readership of 13.3 million. It publishes 23 editions across all major cities of India. In 2008, the newspaper reported that (with a circulation of over 3.14 million) it was certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations as the world's largest selling English-language daily newspaper.

Hindustan Times

Published by HT Media Ltd, Hindustan Times is one of the leading English dailies in the country. In 2008, the newspaper reported that with a circulation of over 1.14 million it was certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations as the third largest daily English newspaper in India. Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2008, revealed that HT has a readership of 6.6 million making it the second most-widely read English newspaper in India. It has a wide reach in north India with simultaneous editions from New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi, Bhopal and Chandigarh.

The Hindu

With a circulation of 1.45 million, The Hindu is the second-largest circulated daily English newspaper in India. According to the Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2008 it is the third most-widely read English newspaper, and its readership is strongest in the southern states of India. Its independent editorial stand and balanced presentation of news have won serious attention and regard among its readers. It is printed in thirteen centers including all major cities likeCoimbatore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Madurai, New Delhi, Vizag, Thiruvanathapuram, Kochi, Vijayawada, Mangalore, Tiruchirapalli and Kolkata.

The Indian Express

Published by the prestigious Indian Express Group of Newspapers, The Indian Express is one of the leading English dailies in the country. According to the National Readership Survey in India, for the first half of 2005 the New Indian Express was the 7th biggest selling English language newspaper in India. It gives a distinctive viewpoint on both national and international issues, including politics, business, lifestyle and sports. It is published from 8 locations- Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Lucknow and Ahmedabad.

New Indian Express
New Indian Express is a newspaper based in Chennai, India. The newspaper covers mostly South Indian events in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It is published in Kochi, Hyderabad, Chennai (Madras) and Bangalore. According to the National Readership Survey in India, for the first half of 2005 the New Indian Express was the 7th biggest selling English language newspaper in India.
The Deccan Chronicle

The Deccan Chronicle is the largest circulated English-language newspaper in South India. It is most widely read in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. It has a loyal reader base that appreciates the paper for its daily news on current affairs, politics and business, as also on society, art and culture.


Owned by Diligent Media Corporation, a joint venture between two industry majors – the Dainik Bhaskar Group and Zee Group, DNA (Daily News & Analysis) is perhaps the only English daily that targets the youth. It is published from centers like Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Jaipur and Bengaluru, with Mumbai accounting for its largest readership. In April 2008, the Indian Readership Survey (IRS) determined DNA’s readership to be 676,000 and ranked DNA as 8th amongst the Top Ten English Dailies in India.

The Pioneer
Pioneer is an English daily published out of New Delhi and Lucknow. The publication is known for its indepth reporting on variety of subjects including contemporary news, sports, events etc. The publication, however, doesn’t stress too heavily on business news. Most business updates are taken from the wire agencies. Amongst English readers in Lucknow, the pioneer is the second most popular publication

The Asian Age

The Asian Age is India’s global newspaper. It has a major presence in cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, and also in London. The newspaper is especially popular for its international coverage, which is far more extensive than any other Indian dailies. Its unique editorial tie-up with The New York Times gives its readers a chance to read an exclusive 8-page supplement which is a compendium of the best articles and news features from leading journalists in the United States. It has established itself within the competitive environment of Indian media as a daily to reckon with.

The Telegraph

The Telegraph is another one of India’s leading English dailies with a major presence in the Eastern states of West Bengal and Jharkhand. In 2008, with a circulation of 484,971 it was certified by Audit Bureau of Circulations to be the fastest growing daily in eastern India. According to Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2008 it is the fourth most-widely read English newspaper in India with a readership of 2.9 million. The Telegraph comes with five editions- Calcutta, South Bengal, North Bengal, Northeast edition and Jharkhand edition.


Owned by The Statesman Ltd, Statesman is an Indian English-language daily, published simultaneously in Kolkata, New Delhi, Siliguri and Bhubaneswar. With an average weekday circulation of approximately 180,000, it is among the leading newspapers in the country. It is most popular in the state of West Bengal where it releases a sister publication called Dainik Statesman, a daily Bengali newspaper. It is also a founding member of Asia News Network, a grouping of 15 Asian newspapers that have joined hands to for coverage of Asian events through Asian eyes.


The Tribune has a strong presence the whole of northern India with its editions spanning across Punjab, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Delhi. The English edition apart, the 124-year-old Tribune has two sister publications, Punjabi Tribune (in Punjabi) and Dainik Tribune (in Hindi).

Mail Today

Mail Today is published by the India Today Group in a joint venture with British newspaper Daily Mail. It promises news with a difference- clean, lucid and straight- talking. It re;eases a single 48 page edition from Delhi which provides comprehensive coverage of news on both national and international themes and from all spheres of interest.

Mid Day

Mid day is an afternoon compact newspaper which promotes itself as a light-hearted, easy-read and entertaining paper. The focus is on the Young Urban Mobile Professionals across India (YUMPI) and it tries to deliver content that “makes work fun”. It has its widest readership in Mumbai, with three other editions released in Bangalore, Delhi and Pune.

Mumbai Mirror

Targeted at young Mumbaikars, it aims to embody three A’s of Mumbai: Attitude, Aspiration and Ambition. Being a local daily it has a diverse editorial focus on regional politics, city-life, business, entertainment and sports. The publication intends to focus more on human interest stories that occur in Mumbai. The tabloid has dedicated two pages to national business and one to international technology.


United News of India (UNI)
Launched in March 1961, UNI has grown into one of the largest news agencies in Asia. During these years, UNI has acquired an enviable reputation for fast and accurate coverage of all major news events in India and abroad in all areas -- politics, economics, business, sports, entertainment, stock markets and so on. Today, UNI serves more than 1000 subscribers in more than 100 locations in India and abroad. They include newspapers, radio and television networks, web sites, government offices and private and public sector corporations


UNIVARTA, UNI's Hindi Service, was launched on May 1, 1982, as a complete news service for Hindi newspapers and is today the biggest and most comprehensive service of its kind in the country, serving nearly 300 newspaper and non-newspaper subscribers in several states across India. Besides spot news, UNIVARTA provides news features on a wide variety of topics, including Art and Culture, Science, Agriculture, Economy, Heritage and India's neighbors.

Press Trust of India (PTI)

India’s largest news agency, Press Trust of India is a non-profit sharing cooperative owned by the country’s newspapers. PTI subscribers include 450 newspapers in India and scores abroad. All major TV/Radio channels in India and several abroad, including BBC in London, receive the PTI Service. With a staff of over 1,300 including 400 journalists, PTI has over 80 bureaus across the country and foreign correspondents in major cities of the world. It has arrangements with the Associated Press (AP) and Agencies France Presse (AFP) for distribution of their news in India, and with the Associated Press for its Photo Service and International commercial information. PTI exchanges news with nearly 100 news agencies of the world as part of bilateral and multilateral arrangements.


Bloomberg L.P. (Limited Partnership) is a closely-held financial software, news and data company with a one-third share of the market. Bloomberg reports more than 100,000 users in North America, and more than 150,000 in the rest of the world. In addition to its financial services offerings, Bloomberg has its news services division called Bloomberg News which has 125 bureaus around the world. It now provides information to approximately 350 newspapers and magazines worldwide, including The Economist, The New York Times and USA Today

Dow Jones

A subsidiary of News Corporation, Dow Jones is an American publishing and financial information firm. Dow Jones is not only newswires but also web sites, newspapers, newsletters, databases, magazines, radio and television. Its flagship publication, The Wall Street Journal, is a leading newspaper in print and online covering business, financial national and international news and issues around the globe. Its other publications include Barron's Magazine,, Far Eastern Economic Review and SmartMoney.

Associated Press (AP)

Associated Press is the largest news organization in the world and is the backbone of the world's information system serving thousands of daily newspaper, radio, television and online customers with coverage in all media and news in all formats. AP operates as a not-for-profit cooperative with more than 4,000 employees working in more than 240 worldwide bureaus.

Agence France Presse (AFP)

Agence France-Presse (AFP) is a French news agency, the oldest one in the world, and one of the three largest with Associated Press and Reuters. It is also the largest French news agency.AFP is based in Paris, with regional centres in Washington, Hong Kong, Nicosia, São Paulo, Montevideo and bureaux in 110 countries. It transmits news in French, English, Arabic, Spanish, German, and Portuguese.

Indo-Asian News Service (IANS)

Indo-Asian News Service or IANS is India's largest private news agency. It has carved a niche for itself by reporting on India, South Asia and the large Indian diaspora spread across the world. It provides extensive coverage of the Indian diaspora, numbering about 25 million in 110 countries. However, the IANS also focuses on global events which have an impact on India, its geopolitics, economy, national security, culture, society and national aspirations. The service offers a support system to international media organisations, institutions, think tanks, overseas missions and multinational companies.


Reuters is a United Kingdom-based news service and former financial market data provider that provides reports from around the world to newspapers and broadcasters. With over 50,000 employees in more than 100 countries, Reuters is a leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals.


NewsWire18 Ltd. is India's first real-time news and market data platform company. It provides finance professionals with the most relevant news, views, market intelligence, data, and analytical tools in a single WorkStation. A part of the Network18 Group, NewsWire18 has more than 100 editorial staff across 9 bureaus. NewsWire18 specializes in providing expert coverage of India's financial markets and the government's economic and financial policies. It transmits more than 400 news items daily, including breaking news, analysis, statistics, forecasts, market calendars and summaries.

Business Magazines

Business World
Part of the ABP Group, one of India's largest media groups and the brand leader in eastern India, Business World is the largest selling Indian business magazine, and the only business weekly in the country. It has established itself as a magazine that offers incisive and high-quality reportage on economic and business affairs. It covers trends and movements in markets such as telecom, IT, biotech, media and pharma and provides exclusive analysis on infrastructure, economy and the stock markets.

Business India
Published by Business India Publications Ltd (BIPL), Business India is the oldest business magazine in India. Informative, topical, objective and comprehensive, it is a leading fortnightly that provides the complete picture on Indian business and the economy. It focuses on different areas of interest and tries to cover a variety of subjects which have a bearing on the mainstream of business.

Business Today

Published by Living Media India Limited, Business Today is is the largest-circulated business fortnightly in India. It has a current circulation of 185000 per issue and a readership of 600,000. Ever since its inception in 1992, it has set one benchmark after another in business reporting. It was the first to do serious reporting on management theories. And then again, it’s the first to bring a whole new genre of business journalism more up-close and more incisive.

Mainline English Magazines

India Today

India Today is a weekly newsmagazine published by Living Media India Limited, in publication since 1975. With editions in five languages, a circulation of 1.1 million every week and a readership of more than 15 million, it is the most widely read publication in India, a position it has held for over a decade.


Outlook is one of India's top-selling English weekly newsmagazine. It covers stories on politics, business, society, lifestyle, sports and technology with both national and international themes. According to the 2007 National Readership Survey it has the circulation of 1.5 million copies.

Outlook Business

Outlook Business is a fortnightly business magazine from the Outlook Group that packs in credible, detailed information and analysis for decision makers to enable them take profitable business decisions. It is a composite package covering all factors that influence business movements with an Indian and global perspective. With expert views which not only gives you an insight of the current business dynamics but also analyses the impact and implications that it would have on your business. Outlook Business aims to fathom global business undercurrents before they affect local markets.

The Week

Published by the The Malayala Manorama group, The Week is a leading English language newsmagazine in India. By circulation, it is the second largest selling English newsmagazine in the country, with a majority of the sales is still concentrated in South India.

Business TV Channels

NDTV Profit
NDTV Profit is a 24-hour business channel by New Delhi Television Limited, India's first and largest private producer of news, current affairs and entertainment television. Besides covering the latest from the business world it acts as a platform for companies to release their public results and most recent product offerings. It has established new standards for simple, clear and transparent reporting on the world of business.

CNBC/Network 18
CNBC/Network18 is the oldest English language business news channel in India. The channel's coverage extends from corporate news, financial markets coverage, expert perspective on investing and management to industry verticals and beyond. Its viewership extends from business leaders and High Net Worth individuals to investors, intermediaries and self employed professionals.

ET Now
Owned and operated by the Times Group, ET Now is a new and leading English language business news channel. It is produced in collaboration with The Economic Times, the leading financial daily and has a strategic partnership with Reuters.

Bloomberg UTV or “UTV I” is India's fastest growing business news network & part of the Bloomberg Television network which is the only global 24-hour business and financial television service, broadcasting to more than 200 million homes. It is a strategic partnership between Bloomberg, the global leader in business news and information and UTV, India's leading integrated media and entertainment company. It adds depth and context to on-air reports, providing viewers with charts, breaking news, stock quotes and relevant stock indexes in real time gleaned from the news, data and analytics of the Bloomberg Professional service.

CNBC Awaaz
CNBC Awaaz is a mainstream Hindi Business News & Markets Channel produced and operated by a joint venture of CNBC and television 18. Since its launch 5 years back it has shown a staggering increase of 350% in its viewer base (TRPs). With a nation wide network spanning more than 45 cities, it reaches out to India's affluent Hindi speaking consumers and is a credible source for timely information on intelligent investing, saving, and spending decisions.

Zee Business
Zee Business was the first 24-hour Hindi current affairs and news channel in the country and is still a leading name in the genre. Over the years, it has maintained its position among the top three Hindi news channels in the country.

As South Asia 's leading Multimedia News Agency, and one of the best professionally managed corporate media entities of the world, ANI has a big reputation to live up to. No wonder, we race with time every minute of the day and every day of the year, to deliver to our multitude of clients- television channels, radio stations, newspapers, websites and mobile carriers, both at home and abroad, the best possible video/audio, text and picture content.

Cable News Network-Indian Broadcasting Network (CNN-IBN) is a 24 hour English-language Indian TV news channel. The network is a partnership between Global Broadcast News (GBN) and Turner International (Turner) in India (a subsidiary of Time Warner). The channel is supported by over 20 bureaus nationwide, along with a team of experienced newspersons and production staff, backed by Network18's state-of-the-art broadcast infrastructure and newsgathering technology.

IBN 7, a Hindi news television channel run by Mumbai based Network 18 Ltd., India’s growing media conglomerate. It is from the same stable as CNN-IBN, the leading English news channel. It covers news on not only politics and business but also on technology, lifestyle and entertainment, making it a well-rounded news channel in Hindi.

Aaj Tak
Aaj Tak is a 24-hour Hindi news television channel run by TV Today Network Ltd. Watched by some 45 million viewers, Aaj Tak is India’s largest privately owned news channel. It holds a channel share of 55% among news channels in India and was voted the most trusted news source in India by a 2006 BBC/Reuters/Media Center Poll.

Headlines Today
Headlines Today is a 24-hour English language television network that carries news, current affairs and business programming. Launched in the year 2003, Headlines Today is a sister channel of the Aaj Tak news channel and is one of the four niche news channels from the TV Today Network stable. It focuses on an urban audience and accordingly the presentation of news stories is polished and thought through.

DD News
Doordarshan (DD) News is a state-owned TV news channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Delhi, the public television broadcaster of India. It reaches nearly 45 % of the country’s population and is considered the most trusted and credible source of news. It telecasts over 16 hours of live news bulletins daily in Hindi and English.

Times Now
Times Now is a 24-hour English language news channel based in Mumbai and broadcast primarily in the South Asian region and sparingly across the USA through partner networks. The channel is a joint-venture of Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. the publishers of The Times of India and Reuters.

Star News
Star News is a 24 hour Hindi language news and current affairs channel where a wide range of viewers can tune in and have their news needs met by a diverse and engaging programme schedule. Star News is one of the most watched news services in India. The channel is nearly two years old and now has an established programming schedule.

TV Lifestyle

Sahara Samay
Sahara Samay, a Hindi news channel, is a part of the group of the renowned Sahara India Pariwar and it is available in more that 66 countries. News presented by the channel ranges from entertainment, politics, sports and business. With a strong nationwide viewership it is one of the most renowned Hindi news channels in India.

NewsX is India’s first HDTV ready 24 hour English news channel. It uses a network of interconnected bureaus using the latest video technology to offer the widest range of national and international news. It targets global Indians- Indians who have the same aspirations as their peers in New York and London and who appreciate and demand well - researched, thought-provoking news.

Zoom is an Indian glamour and entertainment television channel and is a part of The Times Group, one of India's largest media conglomerate. The channel primarily caters to urban audiences with content ranging from fashion, films and celebrities to lifestyle and events.

NDTV Good Times
NDTV Good Times is an India-based lifestyle television channel that is owned by a joint venture between NDTV and Vijay Mallya's UB Group. It features programming catering to young, urban Indians with areas of interest such as fitness, parenthood, travelling, marriage and leisure. Programming includes talkshows, cooking shows, programs on fashion, health & wellness, and technology.
Trade Magazines

Voice&Data is India's only magazine on the business of communications providing vital information, statistics and analyses on the business, technology and regulatory aspects of Indian telecom and networking. It reaches out to the senior technical, business and marketing managers and other purchase decision-makers across telecom service providers, equipment vendors, corporate users, regulatory authorities and R&D institutes. It has a readership of 162000 per issue.

Dataquest is published by Cyber Media India Ltd., a specialty media house, with nine publications in the information technology, telecom, consumer electronics and biotech areas. Dataquest is a 20-year-old institution with an image of non-partisan, credible and useful information source for vendor and user communities alike. This has made it one of the most sought after IT fortnightly magazine in the country. It highlights the major issues faced by industry and users, publishing in-depth analyses of market trends and fast changing technologies. As the pioneer and leader of IT media in India, the magazine has consistently kept track of new developments in the IT industry and the corresponding information needs of the corporate user.


Cybermedia India Online Ltd. or CIOL was created with a vision to provide quality and relevant IT information to the growing Internet community. In a short period CIOL has defined new benchmarks in the industry and has become the must-visit destination of top IT professionals, vendors, solution providers, CIOs and CEOs of Indian enterprises. With 7000 pages of content every month & registered newsletter subscriber base close to 400,000 it is India's leading IT portal addressing the information needs of the IT community. It also boasts of a monthly average of 10.5 million page views & 1.1 million unique visitors.

Living Digital
Living Digital is a technology based magazine that makes the reader aware of the latest technological inventions and gadgets launched in the market. The content includes information detailed analysis of gadgets, including opinions on their advantages and applications.

Global Services
Established in Feb. '06, Global Services is published by CyberMedia (India) Limited, Asia's largest specialty media and media services company. CyberMedia is engaged in publishing (with 16 publications dedicated to myriad tech areas, such as infotech, telecom, consumer electronics, and biotech), market research, content outsourcing, gaming and media education. It aims at facilitation of interaction and transfer of knowledge between buyers of global services and service providers through content creation and delivery and community-building efforts.

DQ Channels
The country's fortnightly advisory on trade and business, DQ Channels India provides business information, market news and perspectives that are directly relevant to Solution Providers. A flag-bearer of the industry, it serves as a forum for discussion and debate on different issues impacting vendor-solution provider relationships.

DQ Week
The DQ Week series of regional IT business newspapers (Delhi & Chennai editions) provide news and analyses with focus on regional market intelligence, Product News, New Product launches, features on qualitative and quantitative issues impacting vendor-channel relationship, coverage of industry/vendor events and market reports on product movement in the region.

IT Nation Limited is an India-based business-to-business e-commerce portal & community exchange for Information technology products and services. At this neutral, unbiased trading and information platform, Information Technology Hardware, Software, Services & Solutions are bought, sold, traded and auctioned. It is aimed at dealers, institutes, corporates or individuals buying and/or selling IT hardware, software, solutions or services.
Techtree is a technology website, based in Mumbai, India. The website does reviews, previews, and news on technology. It is owned by the UTV group and a companion TV show called techtree is also aired on UTVi. It is an exhaustive resource for information on everything related to gadgets and technology.

CXO today

CXO Today is India’s exclusive e-newspaper for the IT Industry and enterprise buyers. It provides business and technology implementation news to those who evaluate, invest in, and manage the IT infrastructure of organizations. It is a platform for enterprise IT consumers and technology providers to interact and stay networked.

Express Computers
Express Computer (EC), is the established leader in IT industry related business news and is part of the Express group of publications. It has attained and retained this position by continuous innovation and improvement to mirror the rapid technological changes that are constantly redefining the IT industry. EC gives the reader comprehensive coverage of IT business news and analysis, technology, people, channels, dot coms and even the capital market.

Express Channel Business
Express Channel Business highlights the information readers need to know to create effective technology solutions. The key differentiator of Express Channel Business is that the editorial content is written only for channel professionals. It offers sophisticated, balanced and objective content on a wide range of technologies, business trends, case studies, vendor policies and strategies to help channel professionals further their business interests. Its articles provide readers with a complete perspective on all aspects of supply chain and end-user customers.

9dot9 media
9.9 Media is a diversified media company that targets consumer, business and professional communities through magazines, websites, events, and peer groups.

The CTO forum
The CTO Forum is an IT magazine for India CTO community published fortnightly by 9.9 Media. It is targeted at technology professionals in enterprises.

BenefIT Magazine
BenefIT is a monthly magazine that enables the readers to derive the maximum out of their existing IT set-up. It is targeted at the businesses of the sub-continent worth Rs. 20 million to 5000 million.

Electronics 4u
Electronics For You came out with its first issue when the Indian electronics industry was at a nascent stage. Even television manufacture started later. Its popularity increased with time and today, with a readership exceeding half-a-million readers, EFY is India's largest selling technical magazine. It also features an optional compact disc loaded with useful software that many of its readers have loved.

DQ Channels
The country's fortnightly advisory on trade and business, DQ Channels India provides business information, market news and perspectives that are directly relevant to Solution Providers. A flag-bearer of the industry, it serves as a forum for discussion and debate on different issues impacting vendor-solution provider relationships.

Voice & Data
Voice&Data (V&D) is a monthly magazine published by the Cyber Media Group. It is India’s most respected magazine in the Telecom and Networking space and has a niche audience in the Service Provider as well as the Enterprise networking space. With the convergence of technologies, Voice&Data has shifted from covering purely telecom to covering issues regarding networking and multimedia as well. The circulation of the magazine is 40,000 copies per month.Voice&Data has a section called “Equipment for Business” that talks about products/ services for enterprise use. As a part of this section, they review different handset companies, latest enterprise products and also carries interviews.

Digit introduces readers to the newest technologies and products. It provides insights into the latest developments in digital technology and explains how they will impact the reader’s life and work. It helps select the best technology products and services and explains how these can be used more effectively.